Veterinary Services
The Dr. "JiLL" Fund is a charitable, non-for-profit 501(c)3.
All contributions are directly deposited into the fund and 100% is used for patient medical care.
Please continue to check in as we share stories of cases that were impacted by the gift of these funds.
Thank you, Dr. Jill!
Over the years, Dr. Jill has given her time and services to clients and their pets, and this is our way of continuing that legacy at the practice she loves so much!
This fund is unique in that 100% of every dollar donated goes directly to patients in dire need when a family is faced with a heart-wrenching decision if they cannot afford treatment. Should you feel led to contribute, donations can be taken at the clinic or online at
As Dr. Jill enjoys her retirement, we will continue to hold fast to her values and dedication to the profession and our community!
Congratulations, Dr. Jill!